The Relationship between Emotional, Physical, and Intellectual Biorhythm with Quality of Teaching of Elementary school teachers in Zanjan

Document Type : Original Research


1 Professor at Farhangian University

2 education


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between emotional, intellectual and physical biorhythms with the quality of primary school teachers in Zanjan. The statistical population of this study consisted of all elementary school teachers in Zanjan with a population of 1655 of two groups of state and non-state school teachers. The sample was 313 people using a stratified sampling method. Measurement tools included a standard 20-question Seraj teaching quality questionnaire and the secret of biorhythm account software. The validity of the research instrument was obtained by face validity and construct validity and its reliability was estimated using Cronbach''s alpha coefficient. Pearson and regression tests were used to analyze the data. The results of this study showed that there is a relationship between intellectual and physical biorhythm with the quality of teaching; the intellectual cycle had a high explanatory power, physical cycle had a moderate explanatory power, and the emotional cycle had a poor explanatory power, respectively. Biorhythm knowledge can also be used to increase the productivity of human resources in organizations, especially in education and training.
