Evaluation of Integrated School Management Systems with Emphasis on Educational Dimension from the Viewpoint of PhD Students in Educational Technology

Document Type : Original Research


1 Master of Educational Technology, Central Azad University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University of Golestan


Considering the high efficiency and importance of electronic school management systems in advancing the goals, this study aims to examine the status of integrated school management systems with an emphasis on the educational dimension from the educational technology professional’s viewpoint. The method of this research is descriptive survey type. The society consisted of all Ph.D. students of Educational Technology in Allameh Tabatabai University of Tehran which were 60 students. 52 PhD candidates were selected by random sampling as sample of this study. A 25 items questionnaire which was made by researcher was used. It had 5 subscales including lesson module curriculum, student's educational and occupational guidance, teachers` communication with students and parents, intelligent classroom portfolio and intelligent billboard. In order to determine the validity of the questionnaire, the views of professors and experts in curriculum design and educational technology in the field of integrated electronic school management systems were used. The reliability was using Cronbach Alpha which was accord 0.72, 0.76, 0.79, 0.84 and 0.88. Descriptive statistics (frequency and frequency percentage) and inferential statistics (t-test) were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the status of integrated electronic management systems of schools in terms of the module curriculum; student's educational and occupational guidance; teachers` communication with students and their parents; intelligent classroom portfolio and smart boards were in a good level.
