Designing and validating an educational model base on the Montessori Approach in order to form the concept of mathematics (number) in first‎grade elementary students

Document Type : Original Research


1 Department of Elementary and Preschool Education, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

2 Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

3 assistant professor


The research was conducted to provide an educational model based on the Montessori approach in order to form the concept of number for the first graders and determine credit by a combined method. In the qualitative part, regular library review was used and in the quantitative part, a survey method. community in the qualitative section, all sources, books and articles related to research concepts that are internal and external databases in the years 1964 to 2021. Among them, resources related to objectives and available as a sample were selected. In the quantitative section, in order to determine the validity of the model, 10 people from the community of university specialists in educational sciences and Montessori were purposefully selected and completed a researcher-made questionnaire. The model was designed based on the frequent themes of extracted resources in six components and three educational steps. the goals include: creating focus, interest, attention, cultivating the senses and classification and ordering and creating the cardinal principle, one-to-one correspondence and Is the principle of fixed order; The content is from concrete to abstract; Teaching-learning method is individual. The learning environment will be very organized, structured and multi-sensory, and the instructor has the role of facilitator; The characteristics of the learner freedom of choice and movement, internal motivation and stable concentration; evaluation is done formative, using observation and documentation, and external scores and rewards have no place in this method. The validity of the model was confirmed by experts based on descriptive analysis and chi-square test results.


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