Attitudes of teachers, students and parents towards the use of academic records in the assessment of candidates for admission to universities

Document Type : Original Research


1 Allameh tabataba'i University

2 graduated in psychological assessment and measurement

3 Allameh Tabataba'i University


This research was conducted with the aim of probing the attitude of teachers,students and parents,as well as examining the difference between the attitude of students and parents of public and private schools towards the use of educational records in evaluating candidates of universities.The research method was "mixed method" -instrument development model.The research method in the quantitative was descriptive.The population consisted of three sub-communities of teachers, families and students who were candidate of national matriculation exam of 1402-1403.Sampling of the qualitative part was based on a maximal variation.The sample was candidates of matriculation exam,secondary school teachers,and parents with children who were candidates for the matriculation exam.The sample size of the qualitative part was 90 people and the data was collected from individual or group interviews.In the quantitative part,nearly 350 teachers,600 parents and 6600 students completed the questionnaire.Students were randomly selected.Qualitative data gathering was done with standard interview and in the quantitative part with a questionnaire.Quantitative findings showed that teachers believe that applying educational records can improve students' cognitive and learning abilities.parents and students had a negative attitude towards applying educational records;Parents believed that the application of educational records has caused the cost of families to increase,while the children's learning does not show much increase.The results of each of the three subgroups confirmed the positive and negative points in the application of educational records in university admission,which is necessary for decision-making managers to strengthen the positive points and the elimination of the weak points of the educational records should be done quickly.


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