Reproduction of national culture in the educational system through the capacities of creative drama

Document Type : Original Research


1 Cultural Management and Planning, Management, Isfahan Islamic Azad University (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran

2 Cultural Management and Planning, Department of Management, Isfahan Islamic Azad University (Khorasgan), Iran

3 Department of Art Education, Farhangian University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 Management and Cultural Planning, Management, Isfahan Azad University (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran


This article examines the factors of creative dramatic in the educational system and identifies its relationship and strategy in the reproduction of national culture. The aim of the research is to identify and present the pattern of reproduction of national culture through creative representation in the educational system. The findings of the research were analyzed in the theoretical dimension by the method of qualitative content analysis with an emphasis on the index of "creative process" and "creative environment" with a synergistic (diachronic) approach. Thus, along with the presentation of the table and graph, it has been shown in a reasoned way that according to Hofstede's opinions, how creative representation in the educational system leads to cultural reproduction. In the results of the research, identifying the contradiction between the existing realities; How Hofstede's cultural dimensions can be included in the dimensions of creative dramatic, the emergence and occurrence of humanization by creative dramatic, and the explanation of the model of socio-cultural reproduction in the dimensions of creative dramatic. Finally, the authors have proposed the development of using the capacities of creative dramatic as a new approach based on the reproduction of cultural values in the educational system. and will have important applications for researchers


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