Evaluation of financial literacy of ninth grade male and female students in the direction of professional development of mathematics teachers

Document Type : Original Research


1 Department of mathematics, Faculty of Basic Sciences. Shahid Rajaei teacher training University,, Tehran

2 Department of Mathematics, - Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University


Background and Objectives: Financial literacy is important for students. Education systems are obliged to try to improve the level of financial literacy of students by planning financial education. Teachers should have sufficient information about the level of financial literacy of students. This descriptive survey research was conducted with the aim of Evaluation of financial literacy of ninth grade male and female students in the direction of professional development of teachers. Methods: The research population was ninth grade students in Isfahan and the sample included 401 male and female students who were selected by cluster random method. The measurement tool was a test with 7 questions, the validity of which was confirmed by experts. The reliability coefficient of the test was 0.73, which indicates its acceptable reliability. Findings: Based on the results, the students had a relatively acceptable performance in the financial literacy test, and in all test questions, the average scores of the students had a significant difference from the expected value of the PISA study. There was a significant difference between the results of male and female students in the problem of "Telephone cost plans", but there was no significant difference in the two problems of "Home theater device" and "Mobile phone contract". There was no significant difference between the performance of male and female students in the total score of the test. Conclusion: The results of this research can lead to a revision of teacher training, textbooks and evaluation methods to improve students' financial literacy.


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