Attitu des and beli efs are import ant aspects of orie ntating to behaviors. In the field of rese arch utilization, also, teachers’ attitudes have been attended to the use of resea rch during teach ing processes. The pre sent study has been condu cted to design a model in order to promote teachers’ attitudes toward ds research. To conduct it, four variables incl uding attitudes of other people towards research, perceived compete ncy, profes sional skills, and re search skills of teachers were co nsidered as influe ntial varia bles and their role on research a ttitude as well as both er end ogenous varia bles were examined by stru ctural equation mod eling. Data were gathered from 335 teachers in Tehran province. Result reve aled that direct paths of all variables were statistical ly signific ant and all paths between independent factors were nonsignificant except a path of attitudes of other people e on perceived comp etency. A dditionally, professional skills were the most important influence factor on research attitude. Afterwards, there were research skills and attitudes of other people. The final casual model can be considered an adequate framework for teacher development and also for teacher education.
Kabiri, M. and Shavand gharbi, E. (2023). Modeling of role of factors in teachers’ attitude towards research and presenting a framework to promote it. Theory and Practice in Teachers Education, 9(16), 306-281. doi: 10.48310/itt.2023.3228
Kabiri, M. , and Shavand gharbi, E. . "Modeling of role of factors in teachers’ attitude towards research and presenting a framework to promote it", Theory and Practice in Teachers Education, 9, 16, 2023, 306-281. doi: 10.48310/itt.2023.3228
Kabiri, M., Shavand gharbi, E. (2023). 'Modeling of role of factors in teachers’ attitude towards research and presenting a framework to promote it', Theory and Practice in Teachers Education, 9(16), pp. 306-281. doi: 10.48310/itt.2023.3228
M. Kabiri and E. Shavand gharbi, "Modeling of role of factors in teachers’ attitude towards research and presenting a framework to promote it," Theory and Practice in Teachers Education, 9 16 (2023): 306-281, doi: 10.48310/itt.2023.3228
Kabiri, M., Shavand gharbi, E. Modeling of role of factors in teachers’ attitude towards research and presenting a framework to promote it. Theory and Practice in Teachers Education, 2023; 9(16): 306-281. doi: 10.48310/itt.2023.3228