Professor of Social Sciences, University of Kashan.
Assistant Professor of Management, University of Kashan
The purpose of this study is to study the future motivation of teachers.In this article, using the causal layer analysis method as a method of futurology to explore different layers to the subject of teachers' job motivation, different scenarios for the future have been considered. The statistical population of this study is high school teachers in District 1 of Rasht in 2020, Using purposive and theoretical sampling method, 11 of them were selected as the sample Judgmentally or purposefully. The data collection technique is semi-focused interview. In this regard, based on the analysis of the lower layers and due to the degree of uncertainty and importance, two social and economic drivers were identified and based on them, the desired scenarios were designed. In the findings of this study, four scenarios have been identified that job is a problem for cultural workers
sojoodi, A. , niazi, M. and Mazrouei, I. (2021). Future research of teachers job motivation using causal layer analysis method. Theory and Practice in Teachers Education, 6(10), 149-138.
sojoodi, A. , , niazi, M. , and Mazrouei, I. . "Future research of teachers job motivation using causal layer analysis method", Theory and Practice in Teachers Education, 6, 10, 2021, 149-138.
sojoodi, A., niazi, M., Mazrouei, I. (2021). 'Future research of teachers job motivation using causal layer analysis method', Theory and Practice in Teachers Education, 6(10), pp. 149-138.
A. sojoodi , M. niazi and I. Mazrouei, "Future research of teachers job motivation using causal layer analysis method," Theory and Practice in Teachers Education, 6 10 (2021): 149-138,
sojoodi, A., niazi, M., Mazrouei, I. Future research of teachers job motivation using causal layer analysis method. Theory and Practice in Teachers Education, 2021; 6(10): 149-138.