Challenges and Considerations of Religious Education in the Second Phase of the Revolution in Light of Changing Religiosity Among the New Generation

Document Type : Original Research




Background and Objectives: Paradigm changes and the transition from the era of tradition to modernity have led to rapid and significant changes in the beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors and religious practices of young people. Ignoring these changes and insisting on the traditional methods of religious education not only leads to the inefficiency of religious education, but may also lead to the opposite result. The purpose of this research is to know the characteristics and changes in the religious practice of the new generation and then examine the requirements of effective religious education of according to those characteristics. Methods: The research method is synthesis research and then suggesting implications for an effective religious education for the new generation. Findings: According to the findings, the young generation's "dineurism" is characterized by nine key traits: an emphasis on the mental and emotional dimensions of religion, with a reduced focus on practical and ritual aspects; a self-referenced approach; non-binding beliefs; a collage-like mixture of ideas; a diversitarian attitude; hedonism; informality in religious practices; a pluralistic outlook; and a tendency towards emerging spiritualities Conclusion: Based on the findings, 9 characteristics were found about the religiosity of the young generation: the strengthening of the internal, mental and emotional dimensions of religiosity and the dimming of the practical and ritual aspects, self-referential religiosity based on individual wisdom, non-binding religiosity, dissonance, eclecticism and collage-like religiosity, diversity-oriented, hedonistic religiosity, reduction of tendency towards formal aspects of religiosity, pluralistic religiosity, and tendency towards emerging spirituality. Then, according to these characteristics, considerations were raised in the axes: content, educational resources, teaching method, communication method, evaluation method.


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