Teacher education: Its Identity and Its Procedures

Document Type : Original Research


Alzahra University


The most important capital of any organization to achieve their goals is human resource. Educational System as the most important organization in any country needs efficient and professional staff to reach its optimal performance. As teachers are the main human capital in the educational system, their knowledge, skill and expertise is very important. That is why education of teachers and teacher education Planning are of great importance. Teacher education is a multiple-step process, starting from recruitment of competent people and continuing to in-service training which makes their knowledge up to date. In this process, two things are important and should be considered: first, teacher training should lead to having scientist, thinker and artist teachers that have content knowledge, the ability of problem solving and the skill to adapt to the situation. Secondly, it's important that teaching methods used for teacher training consider their culture. In this way, the teachers will be culturally bound to their local setting.
