Action Research/Teachers as Researchers

Document Type : Original Research



Abstract: In this article, the writer refers to action research as teachers’ professional activity that can develop insights, actions and educational change. He indicates its contribution to solving practitioners’ educational problems, inspiring introspection and improving the education. First of all, action research requires that practitioners identify the field of action, and plan and perform some activities to improve their action. Frequently, they need to monitor this process and reflect on it, and then redesign and revise the actions if neccessary. They also need to repeat this cycle until compelling evidence of concrete change and improvement appears. The article provides some definitions and modes of action research from the educationists’ point of view. It also briefly reviews the histories of action research development, introduces how to conduct an action research, and indicates different modes of action research as well as the impact of action research upon schools. The most important claim is that action research is a powerful and successful vehicle for educational change.
