Qualitative Research Foundation data, "encoded" and the importance, process and method of its execution interns educators

Document Type : Original Research


Encoded part process of knowledge production and the creation of grounded theory approach is grounded in theory .This view layout management questions or queries starting with data collection through in-depth interviews reflective observation over time takes shape .And it continues with the ongoing systematic analysis and ultimately led to the production of knowledge and by providing stability theory, there is but then stopped. A research project based on this method, when the success of product research, it appears that not only answer your questions, but early research is producing new questions Tamvzv provide follow-up investigations. This way, one of the types of qualitative research methods, the main purpose of expressing social processes, education and educational theory. The method with a different approach, research is exploratory survey And Data Analysis constant comparison within the three phases of open coding ,axial coding, and selective coding accomplished. The present article aims to introduce, the importance, procedure and in particular the fundamental qualitative research "encoded" and cultural context and needs of the interns, has been done And attempts to characteristic pattern of concept code on the process provide internship projects.
