Investigating the concept of ‘effective teacher’ from al-Farabi and Rousseau point of view and its educational implications

Document Type : Original Research


Evaluation of effective teacher training in 's thought and educational implications affected by it. This study examines the characteristics of effective teachers in the educational doctrine of Farabi –the Muslim philosopher and founder of Islamic philosophy- and Rousseau –the great teacher and originator of Western Education. The research methodology is document analysis and the research instrument is note taking form. The reseach concludes that in Farabian educational system the teacher is of two features of innate and acquisitive characteristics. The innate characteristics include rethoric, cleverance and intelligence. Some of teacher acquisitive features include wisdom, strong memorization, and their commitment to religion. Al-Farabi argues that persuasive, discursive, ascending and descending teaching methods are among the most effective teaching methods. In Rousseau educational system the teacher meets the characteristics of youngness, nativeness, coordination with nature and considering individual differences of students. Rousseau proposes exploratory, active, experimentation and scientific tour as the best teaching methods.
